The Aardvark Blog
After a wonderful day off eating Christmas cake and reading a very interesting book on the Ottomans, Arthur Aardvark is back at work, only to be confronted by a large pile of online orders and various queries from prospective purchasers.
In 2016 it truly is the case that the world never stops turning, and with enquirers calling to sell me books as well, it can safely be said that we have hit the ground running. No sooner have I finished answering emails than the first of a big crowd of customers come into the shop. Ethel Aardvark is dispatched for more supplies as the café was almost overwhelmed on New Year's Eve by hoards of hungry potential revellers.
But enough of commerce, some New Year resolutions to mark the 12th anniversary of Aardvark's inception (January 2004 was also very wet as I remember it). First, is to start posting my "A-Z of Crime Fiction" to the blog. I have been working on this for a while, and it is near to fruition. Over 2016 I will complete it, and I am always open to suggestions of names I have missed, or books that could be included.
Second resolution is to read more (a strange one for a bookshop owner). In addition to the Ottomans I also have a brilliant new illustrated book on the circle of artists who lived in Great Bardfield published by V & A. A really inspiring book, and one which should be hunted out.
Third resolution is to listen to more music. One Christmas purchase was an album by Rain Perry called 'Spontaneous Combustion'. Rain Perry is a recent find of mine and one about whom I am very evangelical. A wonderful combination of folk, jazz and country. Also listening to the Tracy Chapman Greatest Hits Album that Santa was kind enough to get me after my comments in a pre-Christmas blog.
Coming up in the shop we have our annual sale, and the Valentines Market (14th February). The full events programme for 2016 will be posted to the website next week. Lots to do as ever.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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