The Aardvark Blog
More and more and more books, Lucie starting, 'The Garden'
More and more and more books, Lucie starting, 'The Garden'
I seem to have managed to buy some books everyday this week, and next week looks like being even busier. Amongst the new titles are lots of detective stories (Christie, Allingham etc), travel, a small T E Lawrence collection, some sci-fi and much more besides. Meanwhile I am still trying to work through the medieval library I bought last week, and there is the prospect of a big collection of art books the week after next. All and all life is very busy chez aardvark. Fortunately given the number of books coming into the premises, traffic in the opposite direction has also been fairly brisk (amazingly so for this time of year), and a customer surprised me at 5 minutes to 9.00am with a request for children's books.
Fortunately Lucie came yesterday for an induction day and I am glad to say did not leave the building reeling and asking for a lie down and a cold compress, so help is on the way.
Sadly though, Lucie's coming means that Holly is leaving us and we had a wonderful leaving cake for her yesterday. Holly has really been a star over the year that she has worked here, and I know that many of our regulars will miss her (as we will). Fortunately we will still be seeing her for the Garden exhibition, and hopefully for the odd day thereafter.
Speaking of 'The Garden' I sent off the proof for the Private View cards yesterday, and hopefully they should be back by the middle of next week. If you would like to come to the Private View the date is the 24th of March from 5.30-8.00pm. This will be a fantastic exhibition, and a wonderful way to start our art programme for the year.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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