The Aardvark Blog
Eventful week in mostly sunshine
Eventful week in mostly sunshine
I have got used to the first few months of the year being quiet - a chance to catch up on chores unattempted during the other 9 months - but in truth the beginning of the year is never that quiet and last week was no exception. For a start we have been soliciting applications ( deadline now past) for a new part-time person to help us in the café. We received nearly 50 applications - it is amazing the talent and varied life experiences that this area can boast - and last week interviewed a number of candidates. Having said that we would make a decision yesterday we are taking the weekend to think over our choice, because quite frankly it is difficult to make a choice between such able people who have different strengths.
Then we have started work in earnest on our new website which needs to be ready before the summer. Again it is a matter of making choices, because one is never going to be able to get everything one wants on the fairly modest budget that can be afforded by an independent bookshop. What I can guarantee is that the new website will feature a much easier route to finding books, much more information on titles that are in stock, many more illustrations, greater connectivity to our social media and a proper section that features our gallery activities. I am really looking forward to getting this up and running - the clunky nature of our website has been an ongoing frustration - so watch this space.
But a bookshop is nothing if not a place for displaying books and as ever last week I bought quite a quantity of books, viewed a house clearance that will happen at the end of next month and also with the help of team members started in earnest to go through some of the boxes of books that I bought last year and which I was unable to get to. This has unearthed yet more gems in musical scores from the buy I did from the estate of the late Peter Reynolds, as well as some really interesting British and World history books. Then there was the copy of Nancy Mitford's 'Don't Tell Alfred' that featured in a recent edition of 'Meetings with Remarkable Books'. In the next few weeks before London Bookfair and the next big influx of new titles I aim to work hard on clearing some of our backlog. It has been pointed out to me that there is something compulsive about a bookseller's bookbuying and certainly I often buy books when frankly I know that they are unlikely to see the light of day again for some months - and indeed sometimes for some years.
The truth is that I find something comforting in the thought that there are always boxes to open and books to go through. That we will never run out of good new-to-aardvark titles to wow ourselves and our customers with. Judging by the piles of boxes to open we are not in any immediate danger of being book-free anytime soon.
Finally a few reminders of upcoming Aardvark Events. Firstly next Wednesday we have our next 'Poetry Breakfast' organised by Anna Dreda from Wenlock Books. The event costs £8.00 which includes introductory drinks and breakfast. For more information on themes etc contact Anna at
Then on the 9th of March Aardvark Books is sponsoring the premiere of 'White Crow' a new film based on a David Hare script about Rudolph Nureyev. According to the box office at the courtyard there are a very few tickets left for this amazing film. Do not miss out. This performance is weeks before the film's release and the only showing in Herefordshire.
Finally on the 23rd of March Gareth Rees-Roberts is returning to Aardvark after a gap of many years to play a fantastic programme of Latin American and Spanish Music. Entry is Free as is Parking and we will also have a wonderful Spanish soup to complete the mood.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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