The Aardvark Blog
Slight wi-fi delay
Slight wi-fi delay
I should have known not to jinx it by prophesying that we would have wi-fi in the café by Saturday. A delay in the new router arriving means that we are now looking to have this installed on Monday afternoon, so lift off will be on Tuesday God willing.
Sarah and Katy are putting together this month's Aardvark email which will go out at the beginning of next week. Includes a great photograph of our car park entirely full of sheep (our neighbour and supporter Richard was moving his flock yesterday and a few of them decided to take a trip to Aardvark). When I write that we are a bookshop in the middle of the country I really am not kidding.
A busy week in the bookshop culminating in a quiet Friday when I was able to get on with sorting through recent purchases, answering emails etc. Have bought some very nice theology, history and art books and another large group of Folio Society books this week. Still don't have an arrival time for the Frankfurt pallets, but hopefully they are speeding their way here as I write this.
Also yesterday I was able to catch up with Dutch Lewis who has been away and gigging fairly constantly. He confirmed that he will be bringing his band - and his famous Christmas songbook - to Aardvark for our Christmas fair on the 11th of December. On the subject of the fair we are literally down to our last few spaces, so if you want to have a stall please call us asap. I am so looking forward to the return of Sarah Rogers with her delicious chocolates. Last time she came I was in the middle of my Lenten no chocolate purge and so Sarah kindly bought me some of Sarah's chocolates to enjoy later. Sadly by the time that later arrived, the chocolates were no more! I aim to make amends on the 11th of December.
Very excited by our new staff line-up. We now have a group of people with really varied life experiences, with a real passion for books and reading. If you are a regular and see an unfamiliar face, please introduce yourself.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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